Girls Just Want to Have Fun: 40+ Funny Memes That Every Women Definitely Understands

Published on 02/12/2024
Girls Just Want To Have Fun 40+ Funny Memes That Every Women Definitely Understands

Girls Just Want To Have Fun 40+ Funny Memes That Every Women Definitely Understands

Greetings from the feminine perspective! You can credit the well-known Instagram page “Messy Women” for all of these hilarious memes that perfectly capture what it’s like to be a woman on a daily basis. These situations, which range from interactions with your closest friend to problems with boys, will make all women say, “Same!” Women don’t always have it together, even when it appears like they do, and that’s okay! You will have moments of confidence when you feel like you can take on the world, and moments of defeat when you can’t seem to locate the right attire.

Look Of Love

Men, take note: this is how chicks initiate contact. Until you get closer, they will gaze into your soul. A guy will notice your attention if you give him this look. Otherwise, it can come back to haunt you, so strike a balance! They’ll notice you anyway.

Look Of Love

Look Of Love

Of course, some females are brave enough to approach a man and strike up a conversation, but when it comes to flirting, this seems to be the preferred option. Ask any woman you know how to get her significant other to ask them out if you’re unsure.

Professional Stalker

When it comes to discovering the social media accounts of a possible crush, a girl will become an FBI agent or the ultimate authority, “Joe Goldberg” from You. Since the Bureau can locate anybody at any time, they ought perhaps think about hiring more women! To locate all of a person’s social media accounts, they don’t even need to know anything about them.

Professional Stalker

Professional Stalker

Give them your initial name, then watch in wonder as they immerse themselves in social networking! In no time at all, you’ll have your crush’s Instagram account and, if you’re lucky, a brief relationship history!

Luggage Galore

You better believe that most ladies will pack their whole closet for a two-day excursion! We assure you that the adage “It’s better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it” is a sensible one to go by. Even if the whole overpacking issue could be true, this much cannot possibly be brought on one’s travels.

Luggage Galore

Luggage Galore

We’ll have to make due with our five luggage since, as much as some of us would like to, neither a vehicle nor an airplane could fit this!


Thick hair? Sure, please! We’re not discussing this volume, though. This appears more like a jumbled frizz ball. People often wake up with this kind of hair because their hair is constantly moving as they sleep on a pillow, which creates a lot of friction. Use silk pillowcases instead of cotton ones. Your skin and hair will appreciate it.



Additionally, wearing your hair tied up—ideally with a silk scrunchie—is preferable. You won’t have any more friction or breaking of your priceless locks with them. Thank you very much.

Best Friend Knows Best

Every female has that one man that, even if their closest friend knew about all their shady acts, they truly detested. After all, unlike their friend who is blind from love, they are not the ones affected by it! Your best friend is right sometimes. Since everyone deserves respect, you can always count on your closest friend to intervene and beg you to block and discard the offending individual.

Best Friend Knows Best

Best Friend Knows Best

But you always have an option. Witnessing your closest friend endure suffering at the hands of a player is just so annoying and upsetting.

Makeup Struggles

Do you feel up to the challenge? Go out there and look for the ideal base. You may want to mentally note that you can utilize the lighter shade as a concealer or the deeper shade as a contour instead of throwing away the foundation. Check to verify if the expensive foundation matches your skin tone on your jawline before buying the entire bottle.

Makeup Struggles

Makeup Struggles

You might want to think about getting a color-changing foundation if you don’t want to leave a store with your face covered in fifty different samples.

Dessert Stomach

There is always space for dessert! We strongly believe that everyone should conclude each meal with a sweet treat. In the words of Sarah Ockler, an author, “I have never encountered a problem that a well-made cupcake couldn’t solve.” This sentiment holds true!

Dessert Stomach

Dessert Stomach

Are you aware of the existence of the “dessert stomach,” scientifically referred to as sensory-specific satiety? Basically, your brain gets bored with the meal you’re having and starts longing for a different taste and texture, leading to cravings for desserts. Science never fails to amaze! Who else has an urge for something sweet right now?

All Bundled Up

Similar to this cunning feline, nearly everyone experiences those ‘wild’ days when they opt to stay indoors and spend the entire day cozied up in bed. When someone is in their personal retreat, also known as their bedroom, and in this state, it’s quite a challenge to even receive a reply to a text message from them!

All Bundled Up

All Bundled Up

Do you prefer hanging out with friends or relaxing in your comfortable bed? If you’re like us and choose the latter, hats off to you. Enjoy some snacks and indulge in a Disney film or spend your time scrolling through countless amusing memes! It sounds much more enjoyable than attending a party, doesn’t it?


Observing and listening to private conversations can be quite captivating. In fact, it is one of the main factors that attract people to social outings. As soon as you catch someone saying, “You won’t believe what just happened,” your attention becomes fully focused on the conversation at hand.



Nevertheless, it is crucial to avoid openly listening in on others. Instead, devise a strategy! Wear your earphones without any sound and covertly listen. If you merely sit there with an empty look, they will undoubtedly become aware that you are unintentionally catching snippets of their conversation.


This is an exemplary yearbook quote that accurately captures the essence. Throughout our lives, we encounter individuals who may not always be pleasant, but it is in high school where we encounter a multitude of such individuals, as the quote aptly suggests.



Numerous amusing yearbook quotes have circulated online, but this one truly stands out! If you’re a Harry Potter enthusiast seeking inspiration for your yearbook message, we recommend considering this option. It may potentially offend some peers, but the potential reward is worth the risk!

Ugh! As If!

To borrow a line from Monica in the popular TV series Friends, “Welcome to the real world; it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. But hey, you’ll grow to appreciate it!” Specifically, we’re referring to the world of dating and the challenges of finding someone truly compatible. So, my friends, this is the truth we face.

Ugh! As If!

Ugh! As If!

It can be incredibly frustrating when you have feelings for someone who doesn’t feel the same way, and vice versa. However, attractiveness is subjective, and it’s impossible to compel someone to like another person. But don’t fret, folks, eventually you’ll come across your perfect match. But before that happens, you’ll need to give someone an opportunity.

Be Your Own Best Friend

According to Taylor Swift, there are times in life where you need to rely on yourself as your closest confidant. When no one is there for you, put on your favorite pajamas, apply a face mask, and indulge in a comforting movie. Believe us, you’ll experience an immediate improvement in your mood. You can even have a conversation with yourself. No need to worry, it’s completely normal.

Be Your Own Best Friend

Be Your Own Best Friend

Taking time to be by yourself is crucial. It offers valuable lessons and allows you to discover the joy of your own company. For introverts, this is the perfect weekend agenda to relax and rejuvenate.

Shop Til You Drop

Oh, the wonders of retail therapy! It can be even more rejuvenating than traditional therapy, don’t you think? Well, imagine a world where our only concern is safely carrying all those shopping bags to our car, instead of worrying about work and other matters.

Shop Til You Drop

Shop Til You Drop

If you decide to emulate this girl’s shopping spree, you’ll have more than just soiled bags to be concerned about. Your finances could be depleted, and you might find yourself in a predicament similar to “Carrie” from Sex And The City. Therefore, proceed with caution unless you have a wealthy partner to rely on.

When Nature Calls

It’s absolutely terrible when you’re just about to doze off, and out of nowhere, you have the urge to use the restroom. We’re all aware that it’s highly unhealthy to resist the urge, so you reluctantly and briskly head towards the toilet, just like a furious little Tom.

When Nature Calls

When Nature Calls

When you need to answer nature’s call, it’s hard to ignore. The issue is that it always seems to happen at the most inconvenient moments, like when you’re cozy in bed on a chilly night or when you’re running late for an important work event, dressed in a fabulous jumpsuit!

Stay-at-home Dating

Waiting for the love of your life to magically appear at your doorstep while using dating apps may seem like a reasonable idea. Unfortunately, that’s not the reality we live in. Traditional methods of meeting people, such as striking up a conversation at a coffee shop, don’t seem to be as successful nowadays.

Stay-at-home Dating

There is a tale circulating on social media about an individual who found their partner without stepping outside their abode. The tale goes like this: Their television malfunctioned, prompting them to contact a technician. In summary, they instantly connected, leading to their eventual marriage. In all honesty, this scenario is the perfect meet-cute for introverts!

Phone Addicts

Mindlessly scrolling on social media has become everyone’s favorite pastime, wouldn’t you agree? Some may argue that they rarely use their phones, but the truth is revealed by their screen time. It’s important for all of us to disconnect from technology and embrace nature. Although, capturing a picture of the sunset might pose a dilemma, don’t you think?

Phone Addicts

Phone Addicts

During earlier times, children used to engage in outdoor activities, organize imaginary tea parties with friends, and individuals would have meals at a table without constant phone interruptions. Life appeared less complicated back then. However, it is worth noting that modern technology has enabled us to enjoy entertaining and educational content like TikTok videos.

How to Lose a Therapist in 10 Days

Therapists serve as paid confidants, lending an ear to all your troubles. Among the most common topics discussed in therapy are relationship concerns. However, after months of discussing the same matter, there’s one thing therapists prefer not to hear: “I reached out to my former partner via text.”

How to Lose a Therapist in 10 Days

How to Lose a Therapist in 10 Days

Your therapist didn’t invest years of study and offer guidance to help you improve, only for you to casually mention that you reached out to your past romantic partner. As professionals, they may not express opinions like “Your ex is terrible,” but observe their facial expressions to gauge their true thoughts!

Bestie Dreamhouse

Imagine if you were given three wishes, can you even fathom what you would choose? And remember, additional wishes are off the table! We’re willing to bet that having a house adjacent to your closest pal, connected by a secret tunnel, would be one of them.

Bestie Dreamhouse

Bestie Dreamhouse

It would be really awesome to create something similar! If you’re up for a sleepover with your best friend or need to borrow a top or some makeup, you won’t have to go far. Just casually mention it during your next weekend hangout with friends and find out what they think!

Money Man

Research suggests that falling asleep becomes easier when in the presence of a loved one. Now envision the speed at which you would doze off if you were lying beside, for instance, a box of pizza or a pile of money resembling your ideal partner!

Money Man

Money Man

Sleeping beside this might be superior to being with an actual individual. At least there’s no snoring. But in all seriousness, that’s a substantial amount of money. It’s no surprise she desires to rest beside it for safeguarding. This surpasses sleeping next to a cuddly teddy bear any time.

Dream Telepathy

If someone decides to block you on all social media platforms, simply search for this YouTube video. The tutorials found there are often beneficial and straightforward to understand, so this one might be too. Watch it, jot down notes, and soon enough, you could be making unexpected appearances in your ex’s dreams!

Dream Telepathy

Dream Telepathy

To be honest, we genuinely believe it wouldn’t be advisable for individuals to possess knowledge of such a skill, assuming it is feasible. Considering that people already engage in online harassment, it’s safe to assume they would not hesitate to intrude into someone’s dreams regularly. We respectfully decline the offer.

Disappointed but Not Surprised

The truth about life is that relationships are imperfect and frequently end. Modern dating is different from our grandparents’ time. Gone are the days of someone standing outside our bedroom window, holding a boombox to profess their love. Nowadays, all they do is let us down.

Disappointed but Not Surprised

Disappointed but Not Surprised

Many girls were raised on fairytales, secretly longing for a prince to whisk them away. However, reality may not align with our childhood dreams. Without sounding overly negative, it’s important not to compromise on what we truly deserve.

This Is What True Friendship Looks Like

The best individuals are those who make the effort to send their friends uplifting messages during challenging times. We believe that people who have faced numerous hardships have the potential to be exceptional therapists due to their personal experiences. Don’t you think so? Moreover, extending a helping hand to others can also bring about a sense of personal well-being.

This Is What True Friendship Looks Like

This Is What True Friendship Looks Like

We’ve all been guilty of urging someone to feel better while we’re dealing with our own emotional struggles. Nobody’s life is flawless, and our world is a bit chaotic. However, if we persist in spreading uplifting messages and positive energy, we have the power to improve the world. Well, at least the lives of our friends.

One Friend Equals Quick Replies

Some individuals engage in multiple group chats and interact with ten online friends, while others have a single close friend whom they communicate with daily. Consequently, it is effortless to respond to them swiftly!

One Friend Equals Quick Replies

One Friend Equals Quick Replies

It’s considered odd when you respond too quickly, so we often delay our replies even if we have the time. However, if you’re messaging your closest friend, it’s perfectly acceptable to reply immediately because you aren’t concerned about being judged for not having a life.

True Heartbreak

If you’re rocking a stylish ensemble, it’s essential to capture the moment for social media. It would be so frustrating to come back home, change into comfy clothes, and realize that you forgot to take a picture of your fabulous outfit that you probably won’t wear again anytime soon.

True Heartbreak

True Heartbreak

If you’re bummed about not snapping a pic of your outfit of the day (#OOTD), you have two options: either wear it again to another event or throw it on at home and take a few photos. However, it won’t be quite the same.

When Life Gives You Lemons

There are days when life presents you with challenges, and you may not feel motivated to find a solution. Sometimes, you just want to surrender and stay down. All you can do is let your emotions flow. However, it’s important to remind yourself to rise again and carry on with your journey.

When Life Gives You Lemons

When Life Gives You Lemons

Experiencing a breakout, a slight weight gain, financial struggles, and uncertainty about your future can be overwhelming. Nevertheless, despite how challenging it may seem, it’s important to offer yourself some compassion and understanding, acknowledging your own humanity.

Eager Beaver

“When a girl meets someone she truly admires, thoughts of a bride in a white dress often come to mind. It doesn’t take much for certain individuals to develop strong feelings. A mere greeting from the right person can make us feel weak in the knees!”

Eager Beaver

Eager Beaver

Becoming emotionally connected to someone is a common occurrence. Many individuals might confess to envisioning a future with someone they have only recently started dating, or even with someone they have found attractive while passing by. Emotions can be peculiar and formidable creatures.

Relax, Refresh, Recharge

Author Anne Lamott offers a valuable reminder: “Taking a break from everything, including yourself, can often reignite productivity.” So, take a moment to relax, unwind, pamper yourself, and recharge.

Relax, Refresh, Recharge

Relax, Refresh, Recharge

Once you’ve allocated some personal time, you’ll regain the energy needed to handle your other obligations. It’s perfectly acceptable if you don’t feel ready to confront the world. As the quote suggests, it’s crucial to disconnect and rejuvenate.

Next Stop: Insult Central

“Belonging to a family signifies being a part of something truly remarkable. It entails receiving and giving love for the entirety of one’s life.” This beautiful quote by Lisa Weed captures the essence of family, although the reality may not always align. Enjoying quality time with loved ones can be delightful, but it can also turn sour when insults come into play.

Next Stop: Insult Central

Next Stop: Insult Central

Criticism seems to be a specialty of families, or at least many of them. Every now and then, it’s necessary to take a breather from the remarks about your friends, weight, and hobbies. However, it’s quite challenging to evade them without being viewed as impolite. Best of luck!

Toxic but Loyal

Trust and loyalty are fundamental in any partnership. So, even if you have certain negative qualities, at least you can find comfort in knowing that you are not disloyal. However, joking aside, toxicity is almost as harmful as unfaithfulness because it still causes damage to your partner.

Toxic but Loyal

Toxic but Loyal

Having both positive and negative aspects is inherent to human nature. Perfection eludes us all. However, by consistently striving to improve ourselves, we can rest assured, feeling both loyal and liberated from toxic influences. It’s a win-win situation!

Add to Cart

Online shopping is undeniably one of the most remarkable innovations of our era. It allows you to effortlessly shop from the comfort of your bed, acquiring anything your heart craves. The array of fascinating items available, such as home decor and apparel, is truly astounding. Let’s not even begin discussing the sheer excitement that comes with browsing through the wide selection and effortlessly adding items to your cart!

Add to Cart

Add to Cart

When boredom strikes, individuals often turn to either snacking or engaging in online shopping. While indulging in online shopping may deplete your funds, the anticipation of receiving packages adds an element of excitement. We assume that many individuals reading this message have an upcoming delivery to look forward to!

Assistant > Boyfriend

If a guy expresses a desire for a closer relationship, you have the option of suggesting that he can either be your best friend or take on the role of your assistant. Opting for the latter choice would mean having someone to handle tasks such as picking up your dry cleaning and getting you lattes, similar to what an assistant does.

Assistant > Boyfriend

Assistant > Boyfriend

Rather than directly rejecting a guy’s invitation, consider using the response, “You could be my assistant.” If he truly desires to spend time with you, he might be open to the idea. Give it a try at some point; there’s no harm in experimenting.

Spill the Tea

We’re fans of drama, what about you? When individuals express their love for drama, they’re not necessarily inviting it into their own lives. Usually, they simply enjoy hearing about other people’s issues. Whenever someone has gossip to share, your typical reaction is something like, “Tell me everything!”

There are numerous expressions to indicate the desire for a gossip session. Examples include “what’s the spice,” “let the cat out of the bag,” and “spill the beans.” However, “spill the tea” is the most widely used phrase, and it has gained popularity for a valid reason.

Why Are You Yelling

Nobody wants to acknowledge their mistake during an argument. Simply resort to emotional tactics or respond with “okay, but why are you shouting?” to avoid uttering those two dreaded words, “You’re correct.”

Why Are You Yelling

Why Are You Yelling

It’s common for couples to experience disagreements, but it’s not normal if they consistently raise their voice. By staying calm during an argument, even if you were initially at fault, you ultimately come out on top. Yelling only drains your energy without any real benefit.

Live, Love, Laugh Really Loud

There’s no greater joy than bursting into laughter when something tickles your funny bone. Ladies, don’t fret about how you sound or appear while laughing. Simply tilt your head back, let out a hearty chuckle, and even snort! It’s an incredibly exhilarating sensation.

Live, Love, Laugh Really Loud

Live, Love, Laugh Really Loud

If you’re naturally more reserved, it’s totally okay to just cover your mouth and softly chuckle, but it won’t be as enjoyable. However, there are people who can make you burst into laughter with their unrestrained, wide-mouthed mirth, even if they’re usually more composed. What’s your take on this?


We find it hilarious because it’s incredibly accurate! You can tell when a guy is about to kiss someone by how serious they suddenly become. Apologies to all the men, but this has been confirmed by numerous girls on various social media platforms.



It actually became popular on TikTok, so make sure to check it out when you have the chance; it’s really funny! And it’s not just girls who are teasing how boys look when they kiss. Even guys have joined in on the trend to playfully mock themselves. At least they have a good sense of humor about it.

Communication Fail

Men should be aware that often when their partner says something, they often intend the opposite – it’s basic dating knowledge. For instance, if a woman instructs a man to refrain from calling her after an unnecessary argument, she actually desires him to bombard her phone with calls.

Communication Fail

Communication Fail

If we all began communicating more honestly, relationships would become significantly simpler. However, that might also take away some of the excitement! Perhaps it’s better to remain silent instead of requesting them not to contact you. Either way, the anticipation is always unpleasant.

Solitude Sweater

If you’re not in the mood to talk to anyone, why not retreat to solitude while wearing a comfy sweater? But here’s a twist, put your head and feet through the armholes. Wondering why? Simply because it’s an enjoyable sight!

Solitude Sweater

Solitude Sweater

Hold on, we should also acknowledge the difficulty of extricating oneself from this situation. Once you finally escape, your mood will plummet once more. Additionally, remember to grab a cup of coffee, as it often aids in fostering sociability.

Two Personalities

There are those of us who lead lives with two distinct personalities that are completely different. While some individuals may have numerous facets, we will focus on just two. At times, someone might exude a lively and chatty demeanor akin to “Enid,” only to transition into a reserved and contemplative state reminiscent of “Wednesday.”

Two Personalities

Two Personalities

There is a common perception that individuals must either be extremely talkative and extroverted or quiet and introverted. However, it is possible for a person to possess qualities of both depending on various factors such as their mood, the day, and most importantly, the person they are engaging in conversation with.

Overthinking Nightmare

Overthinking is absolutely dreadful! You find yourself lying in bed at night, endlessly consumed by thoughts of overthinking. Before you realize it, it’s already six in the morning, you haven’t slept a wink, and you’re still trapped in your own thoughts. It’s truly a nightmarish experience.

Overthinking Nightmare

Overthinking Nightmare

Overthinking can negatively impact your health. Experiment with activities like meditation, drawing, dancing, or other distractions to prevent excessive analysis. It can be difficult to prevent intrusive thoughts at night, so you can also consider playing a show in the background to divert your mind.

Story on Repeat

On Instagram, the thing that girls view the most is their own story. We often do this to envision how it appears from someone else’s perspective. Moreover, occasionally the song you choose is quite captivating, so it’s enjoyable to watch it repeatedly!

Story on Repeat

Story on Repeat

Occasionally, it requires a couple of hours to discover the ideal song and picture to share. Therefore, it’s only natural to admire the fruits of your labor countless times before it vanishes! If you’re curious why someone is grinning at their phone, rest assured they’re enjoying their Instagram story.

The Perfect Weekend Doesn’t Exi-

When you’re having a challenging week, who do you turn to? Your best friend! The key to keeping stress away is as simple as ordering pizzas and relaxing with a close companion until dusk.

The Perfect Weekend Doesn’t Exi-

The Perfect Weekend Doesn’t Exi-

In a long and demanding week, it’s crucial to have something to anticipate. Having plans to meet up with a friend over the weekend, enjoying pizza, venting, and chatting about various aspects of life, will certainly help you endure any monotonous workweek.

The Camera is the Problem

Hey ladies, here’s the deal: it’s not you, it’s the camera. When cameras, especially up close, can make certain parts of your face appear larger than they actually are in real life. So remember, cameras don’t always capture your true beauty.

The Camera is the Problem

The Camera is the Problem

There is a saying that goes, “If a camera cannot capture the magnificence of a sunset, how can it capture your own beauty?” This quote serves as a reminder to practice self-love. Every day, look in the mirror and embrace your inner queen, asking, “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the most beautiful of them all?”

The Things We Do For Love

If a guy is incredibly boring, we recommend not faking interest in what he has to say. Because if you end up marrying him, you’ll be stuck listening to his uninteresting anecdotes for a considerable duration.

The Things We Do For Love

The Things We Do For Love

Even if a guy is incredibly good-looking, it’s not worth enduring hours of listening to their dull tale. Instead, opt for a guy who can make you burst into laughter until your stomach hurts. Now, that’s the kind of person who’s ideal for marriage.

Jumping For Joy

Every girl has aspirations of the day when a guy will acknowledge the story they shared exclusively for them. Typically, this occurrence is rare, but when it does happen, it elicits an overwhelmingly enthusiastic and incredulous reaction. You never know, it might happen to you as well! Just continue sharing your stories.

Jumping For Joy

Jumping For Joy

If you desire a guy to respond and capture his attention, try sharing something that aligns with their interests, such as their favorite sports team. Additionally, a captivating photo of yourself should also spark their curiosity. If not, then it’s best to swiftly move on!

Just Sitting There Like…

If a guy presents a valid argument and proves you incorrect, and you prefer not to admit it, the most effective approach is to avoid making eye contact. It would also be wise to skillfully divert the conversation to another topic.

Just Sitting There Like…

Just Sitting There Like…

Simply keep in mind that when you remain composed and appear adorable, you can successfully navigate almost any situation, as exemplified by this scenario. Employing the classic tactic of using those irresistible puppy dog eyes always proves to be effective. Give it a shot next time you find yourself in an uncomfortable predicament.
