Why Does Your Cat Suddenly ‘Meow’ So Much?

Published on 09/14/2022

As to why cats meow, As they develop from kittens into cats, the causes alter. When kittens are cold, hungry, or terrified, they meow to their mothers. However, as they age, cats switch to different vocalizations like growling, hissing, and yowling to interact with one another. They only use meowing to communicate with humans.

Of course, each breed and even each cat will meow differently. Oriental breeds, particularly Siamese cats, are renowned for being excellent “talkers,” therefore anyone who dislikes meowing should generally avoid owning one of these species.

And while some cats only appear to like hearing their own voices, others appear to desire to converse with their owners. Try to identify the cause if your cat is talking a bit more than you’d like. Once you are aware of the cause, you can take steps to reduce your cat’s meowing.

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Why Does Your Cat Suddenly ‘Meow’ So Much?


Why Does My Cat Meow So Much?

Cats meow for several reasons, from the serious to the attention-seeking. These include:


A thorough examination by your veterinarian is the first step. Many illnesses can make a cat hungry, thirsty, or in discomfort, all of which might result in overeager meowing. Additionally, cats are able to develop renal or an overactive thyroid, both of which can cause them to vocalize excessively.

Attention Seeking

Contrary to popular belief, cats don’t spend a lot of time alone. Cats frequently meow to want play, attention, or to start a conversation. Stop responding when attention-seeking meows occur if you want to reduce their frequency. When they are quiet, only pay them attention. If they begin to meow once more, ignore them or turn away. Don’t disregard your pet though. Spend time with them each day, playing, grooming, and conversing with them. A worn-out animal is a calmer animal.

Wants Food

In an effort to acquire a bite, some cats meow whenever someone enters the kitchen. Additionally, many cats become very loud as their eating times approach. If this is your issue, avoid feeding your cat when it meows. Don’t feed them until they are quiet and avoid giving them rewards while they meow. Purchase an automatic feeder that opens at predetermined times if this doesn’t work. Cat will now meow at the feeder instead of you.

Greeting You

Many cats will meow when their owners arrive home or even when they simply enter the household. Although it can be difficult to stop the habit, consider it the cat purring in greeting.

They Are Lonely

Consider hiring a pet sitter if your pet spends too much time alone during the day to improve their quality of life. Place a bird feeder at a window where they can see it. Food-filled foraging toys should be left outside. Purchase a cat condo for them, and alternate the toys you leave out for them to play with.

A Stressed Cat

Stressed-out cats frequently become more vocal. Your cat may start talking if there is a new pet or child, a move or other changes to the house, an illness, or the death of a loved one. Find out what is worrying your pet, then assist them get used to the change. Give your cat additional attention to help them feel better if that isn’t an option.

Aging Cats

As they age, cats, like people, can have cognitive impairment or a sort of mental disorientation. They lose their bearings and frequently sob helplessly, especially at night. If your cat experiences nighttime disorientation, a nightlight may occasionally be helpful. Veterinarians can also frequently recommend drugs that alleviate these symptoms.

Cats That Want To Breed

You’ll hear a lot more noise if your cat isn’t spayed or neutered. Males yowl when they smell a female in heat, and females yowl when they are in heat. Both can be difficult to deal with. This can be avoided by having your pet spayed or neutered.

What Not to Do…

1. Without first making sure there is no issue, don’t dismiss it. Although you shouldn’t encourage meowing, there are instances when cats meow for valid reasons, such as when their water bowl is empty, they can’t get to the litter box, or they are imprisoned in a room. When they meow, check on them to see if it’s something you can safely ignore or if there’s a problem that needs to be fixed right away.

2. Don’t yell at a cat because it meows. In the long run, hitting, yelling, and water-spraying cats rarely succeed to stop them from meowing, but all of those behaviors will make your cat distrustful or even resent you.

3. Don’t yield. Your cat will meow more and louder if it has been accustomed to using its meowing to achieve what it wants. Or, to put it another way, it probably won’t get better before it gets worse. Meowing should simply be ignored while rewarding quiet behavior, and gradually they will understand.