The Best Adventures To Have This Summer With Your Furry Friend

Published on 05/03/2022

Summer is the ideal season to take a break from work and go on an adventure! While many dog owners do not consider taking their dogs on adventures with them, there are numerous dog-friendly options available, so come up with something unique.

If you’re planning on bringing your dog along, make sure you pick a journey that won’t be too strenuous for them. A brief walk on the beach would be a great adventure for your dog if he or she is elderly or has movement concerns. A trek or a swim adventure might be more your dog’s speed if she’s young and active. Take a look at some of our best selects below.

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The Best Adventures To Have This Summer With Your Furry Friend


Head to the Beach

Beaches that welcome dogs abound all over the world, so grab a beach umbrella, a beach blanket, sunscreen, plenty of drink, and a Frisbee and head out with your pet. Make sure it’s not too hot because scorching sand will burn your dog’s feet.

Try the Mountains for Cooler Air

If you don’t want to go to the beach, the colder mountain air is a terrific alternative. Prepare for a hike with your dog and ascend mountain routes, visit waterfalls and streams, or have a plunge in the river with your canine companion.


Have you gone camping in a long time? You’ll need your tent, a sleeping bag for you and your dog, a first-aid kit, bug spray, and a few other camping essentials. Camping with your dog may be a lot of fun, but make sure the campground you choose is dog-friendly!

Go to a “Dog Day” at Your Baseball Stadium

Most baseball teams host a “dog day” where supporters can bring their well-behaved leashed dogs into the stadium to watch the game! If your dog fits the bill and you enjoy a good ballgame, get out there and meet new people while also allowing your dog to meet new people! Check out the website for more information and dates.

Take Your Dog to that New Ice Cream Joint

Have you been wanting to visit that new ice cream parlor on the other side of town? Take your dog with you if it’s a dog-friendly venue or has an outdoor patio, and order them a small scoop of vanilla ice cream! It’s an excellent way to stay cool when out and about.

While ice cream should not be part of your pet’s diet in and of itself, an occasional serve will not hurt and will certainly enhance your summer adventure experience. You can create your own dog ice cream and bring it with you wherever you go if you want to be extra cautious.

Catch an Outdoor Movie Screening

There are plenty of movies and TV shows to watch with your dog at home, but nothing compares to being outside. Outdoor movies are frequently shown at art museums or other public gathering places, and they’re ideal for you and your dog. You’re ready to go with a picnic blanket, a few nibbles, some cold water, and your dog on a leash.

Take a Staycation in a Dog-Friendly Hotel

You don’t like the notion of going out of town, but you really need to get away? Make a reservation at a dog-friendly hotel in the area and treat your dog to room service and a movie! Staying in a posh hotel with your dog(s) is something that every pet owner should do at least once in their lives.

Check out Dog-Friendly State Parks

The majority of state parks are dog-friendly and provide for a terrific daily adventure; just make sure you observe all pet-owner restrictions. Stay in the shade, bring plenty of water in your hiking pack, get a cooling vest for your dog, and visit as many state parks as you can! Make it a goal to visit all of them with your dog.

Go Stargazing

Is it still too hot outside for you? Wait till after sunset to go stargazing. Pack a blanket and a little picnic, pack your dog into the car, and go to the town’s highest point! Your dog will enjoy the fresh air, and you will appreciate the time away from the computer.

Try the Drive-In Movie Theater

If outdoor movies aren’t an option for you or you’re not confident about your dog’s manners, consider a drive-in movie theater instead! A pleasant change for you both is fresh popcorn, a decent movie, windows down, and a different surroundings.

Go Boating

Do you own a boat or know someone who does? Arrange for a weekend at the lake with your dog, which he will undoubtedly enjoy. To avoid any problems, follow all of the dog boating safety instructions. It’s one of the more unusual summer activities that many pet owners overlook, while others disregard the safety precautions.

Take your dog’s life vest with you when you go out on the lake. If you have a boat, make sure to purchase or rent a water ramp so that your dog can get even more out of the experience. Your dog will enjoy the freedom to swim, and you will benefit from the break from the rat race.