10 Of The World’s Most Spectacular Animals

Published on 05/16/2022

Beautiful animals from all over the world populate the natural world, illuminating evolution’s marvels in all their complexity. This article contains ten creatures that are sure to pique your interest and capture your imagination. Many of the animals on this list are likely to be new to you. Beautiful animals are just a small sample of what the world has to offer in terms of beauty. Natural selection has endowed these creatures with unusual anatomical adaptations and eye-popping color palettes for reasons of both survival and reproduction.

10 Of The World's Most Spectacular Animals

10 Of The World’s Most Spectacular Animals

Sunset Moth

One of the most sought-after lepidopterans in the world is the Madagascan sunset moth. The curved, partially reflective scales on the moth’s wings are responsible for the asymmetrical pattern of colors. It is common for people to confuse sunset moths for butterflies because of their color, tails, and habit of resting with their wings vertically. Predators are deterred from eating them because of their poisonous aposematic colors. The Malagasy people believe that the emerging moth represents the resurrected souls of their ancestors because the moth’s chrysalis resembles a covered corpse.


One of the most recognizable big cats is the tiger. The Siberian tiger is the largest and most common of the world’s tigers. Indian, Southeast Asian, and Russian tigers can be found (Siberia). During the night, they hunt alone in long grass and wooded areas, where their striped fur serves as camouflage. The stripes on a tiger are unique to that individual, and the skin beneath the fur is also striped in the same pattern.

Poison Dart Frog

Poison dart frogs are found in the rainforests of South and Central America and can reach a length of 1.5-6 cm. Since native peoples used the frog’s toxic secretions to poison blow dart tips, the frog got its name. Muscle relaxants, appetite suppressants, and heart stimulants could also be found in secretions, which are being studied in medical trials. The poison dart frog’s brilliant colors warn predators of its toxicity. 5 species in the dendrobatid genus are the most eye-catching and vibrant.

Swallow-tailed Hummingbird

There are swallow-tailed hummingbirds that live in the eastern and central parts of South America. Although it prefers open areas, sparse woodlands, and gardens, it avoids dense rainforests. It has a long forked tail that accounts for half of the bird’s 16-inch length. Although the swallow-tailed hummingbird’s plumage is an unusual mix of green and blue-purple, the bird can hover and feed on flower nectar thanks to the rapid beats of its wings. This hummingbird is aggressive toward other bird species, and it will “dive-bomb” or pester birds as large as hawks!

Candy Crab

The candy crab has no closely related species because it’s a monotypic genus. This 2 cm crab can camouflage itself to match its coral habitat. The crab can be white, yellow, or pink in addition to red.  The candy crab, despite its name, is not interested in being eaten! It sometimes adds coral to its body to improve its camouflage. Candy crabs feed on plankton caught on coral in the ocean, but they can also live in fresh water and on land.


The Turkish word “kara kulak,” which translates to “black ear,” gives its name to the caracal. In order to catch birds, it uses its powerful hind legs and long, tufty ears, which are extremely flexible and allow it to hear the tiniest of sounds. Among the caracal’s favorite prey are gazelles, small mammals, and even reptiles. One meter long and 30 cm long, it is found in Africa and the Middle East. As a result of its specialized footpads and ability to survive on very little water, it prefers a semi-desert climate.

Zanzibar Red Colobus

A unique species of monkey, the Zanzibar Red Colobus can only be found on the East African island of Zanzibar. The wild population of these birds is estimated to be no more than 3000. In Zanzibar, people have a negative view of the animal and refer to it as a “poison monkey” due to its unusual odor. These creatures can be found in forests, swamps, and coastal areas. Additionally, they are known to eat charcoal to aid digestion, as they are unable to break down the sugars in ripe fruit.

Black-Backed Kingfisher

In terms of length, the black-backed kingfisher is about 13 cm long. Streams and rivers in well-shaded, wooded areas are where it lives in southeast Asia and India. Insects and snails, as well as small lizards, frogs, and crabs, are eaten by these kingfishers by the riverside. To protect itself from rain and flooding, the black back kingfisher builds tunnel-like homes in riverbank walls that can be up to a foot long and take up to a week to excavate. For the first 17 days, the male and female kingfishers incubate a clutch of eggs.

Fennec Fox

The 15-centimeter-long ears of the fennec fox set it apart from other fox species. These ears allow the animal to locate its prey in the ground, as well as to radiate heat away from it. Small mammals, birds, and insects make up the majority of its diet, which it consumes primarily at night. If you include the tail, the fennec fox can live for 14 years and reach a height of 40 cm. Eagle owls are their natural predator, and they are capable of snarling and barking. This fox is extremely agile and can change direction in a matter of seconds to avoid becoming prey.

Mandarin Fish

China, Taiwan, and the Philippines are just a few of the countries where the mandarin fish can be found in the southwest Pacific Ocean. The blue color comes from a cellular pigment that is only found in this species, and it resembles the robes worn by an Imperial Chinese mandarin. At only 6 centimeters in length, the mandarin fish can only be found in the most secretive of waters. They feed on plankton and other microscopic creatures.