What To Consider Before Getting A Fish As A Pet

Published on 05/03/2022

Which Fish Species Are Suitable As Pets?

For example, barbel, guppies, catfish and mollies are suitable for beginners. Other fish species are also suitable as pets such as tetras, labyrinth fish or rainbow fish. However, these require a little more knowledge when it comes to maintenance. When choosing fish species, be sure to take fish that live in the same conditions. Ask your pet shop for advice.

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What To Consider Before Getting A Fish As A Pet

The Nature Of The Fish

Pisces – pets for families with children? Clearly – fish are not stuffed animals. They live behind the glass pane in the wet element and don’t care who is watching the leisurely drifting through the water. You can’t communicate with fish like you can with a dog, for example. But you can watch them. It’s absolutely reassuring to watch them glide so gently through the water. Fish can be a kind of relaxation therapy, especially for children who tend to be hyperactive. The low maintenance requirements make fish popular pets. The filter only has to be cleaned and the sludge vacuumed off once a week. Children from the age of about 4 can do this themselves under the supervision of their parents.

Life Expectancy – How Old Do Fish Get?

The life expectancy of the different fish species varies greatly. It is not possible to say in general terms how old fish become. Guppies and mollies, for example, live between 2 and 4 years, while smaller catfish can live up to 10 years. Of course, you never know for sure how old the fish are when you buy them from a pet store. And so it, unfortunately, happens again and again that a few weeks after purchase a fish swims dead in the water. A starter set (aquarium with filter, pump and lighting) is available for around 50 – 80 euros. However, if you have loved this hobby for a long time, it is worth buying a larger aquarium. The more demanding the fish species become, the more sophisticated the technology should be.

Fish Pets That Can Cost Money

The fish themselves are also very different in price. Guppies can cost 50 cents, but also 3 euros each, depending on which breed they come from. Larger fish are correspondingly more expensive. Aquatic plants and fish food only cost a few euros. All in all, fish are a relatively inexpensive hobby – at least for beginners.
Fish as pets – you should also consider this: If you keep other animals (e.g. cat, dog or parrot) in the apartment, you should ensure that the aquarium is stable and cannot tip over. The top cover should also be closed, otherwise, your cat may suddenly be in the aquarium.