How Scotland Can Ensure That Wildlife Thrives In 2023

Published on 01/11/2023

Many Scots will wish to contribute to the continued success of their nation’s beautiful wildlife in 2023 as we look ahead to the coming year. About 52% of the populace expressed a desire to do something to protect the environment last year. According to Scotland’s nature ministry, this made a significant difference in 2022, with garden birds thriving in part due to an increase in the usage of bird feeders.

However, overall, it was a difficult year for wildlife, with animals and habitats struggling both locally and globally as a result of habitat loss and climate change. With the goal of inspiring individuals to contribute to their local environment, NatureScot is commencing its winter Make Space For Nature campaign. Finding more methods to support wildlife in your area could be a significant New Year’s commitment.

Check out how…


How Scotland Can Ensure That Wildlife Thrives In 2023


Let Areas Get Untidy

Although it may seem strange, you should leave parts of your garden that are overgrown or covered with leaves alone throughout the winter. That allows small animals like hedgehogs, insects, amphibians, and amphibians to find shelter or hibernate, offering them a cozy spot to hide during the colder months. In fact, messier is preferable. You could even collect more fallen leaves, plants, log piles, and twigs. Visitors will love hanging out in these neglected locations during the winter. Keep your garden’s borders and herbaceous plants, including their seed heads, in tact. This is due to the fact that many insects may otherwise “overwinter” in hollow stems, a form of hibernation that increases the likelihood of death and causes the bugs to lay fewer eggs.

Look Out For Local Critters

During the COVID lockdowns, many Scots found the pleasures of strolling through their neighborhood scenic areas. No matter where we live—in the country or the city—wildlife is all around us, including deer and rabbits in the countryside as well as pigeons, ducks, and squirrels in city parks. Make sure they are being watched over and are doing okay. On your way, you could pick up some trash. Alternatively, you may give animals some food. The recommendation is to feed the ducks sweetcorn, porridge oats, and bird seed rather than bread.

Fresh fruit and vegetables are also beneficial for squirrels, as are unsalted and unsweetened nuts. You can leave bruised or excessively soft fruit out in your garden for badgers, foxes, and birds. Fruit should be cut in half and left on grass or a spiked branch of a tree. Avoid giving cats or dogs grapes or dry fruit if they are nearby since they could hurt them.

If You Have Time, Volunteer

Volunteering is one of the best things you can do for nature if you have the opportunity. There are many ways you may contribute to the preservation of your neighborhood’s natural environment, including picking up trash, organizing beach clean-ups, planting trees and walkways, conserving energy, gardening, and recycling, among other activities. You can browse all the opportunities on the Volunteer Scotland website, or you can work directly with NatureScot or another environmental volunteer organization. If that doesn’t work, you may even create your own community group based on your interests.

Help Our Feathered Friends

If you have bird homes or feeders, make sure they are well-maintained, stocked, and have fresh water available. You must be sure to frequently clear them out. Owners ought to follow a regular feeding routine. Although it can be tempting to go overboard, try to set out the same quantity of food each day to prevent food waste. But in a similar vein, don’t leave feeders empty for too long; otherwise, birds will perceive them as an unstable source of food.

Try leaving out sunflower hearts, premium peanuts, nyjer seed, and high-energy seed mixtures to draw a variety of birds. In the winter, fat balls are an inexpensive and effective energy source that may be made at home. If your garden pond freezes over, you can prevent it from freezing by poking a hole in it with a stick or floating a ball in the water to preserve any fish, newts, or hibernating frogs.

Use Technology

Sharing what you see with nature while out and about is now simpler than ever, and you can also learn more about it as you go. You can report wildlife sightings of birds, animals, plants, frosted patterns on leaves, spider webs, and anything else you notice while traveling using a variety of websites and ID apps. If you see any invasive non-native species in your neighborhood, it’s equally crucial to let someone know who can help.

Most of these surveys may be completed on your phone while you’re on the go. The iRecord website and app, according to NatureScot, is user-friendly and compiles daily animal sightings so they may be verified by specialists to promote study. Additionally, these applications might assist you in learning more. For instance, bird song ID apps can assist you in identifying species and observing seasonal changes.