Birdwatching Is A Lot More Important Than You Think

Published on 05/04/2022

When people talk about wildlife, most people always think of the big animals such as elephants, lions, tigers, etc., which is why we’re here to show you one of the easiest ways to get in touch with nature and the wildlife without going far: Birdwatching!

Birdwatching might seem like a boring hobby, but we promise you, it has a lot more impact than you imagine! Not only is it accessible for everyone, but it also helps you get connected with nature without having to go far! Which is why we’re here to list down the positive effects that birdwatching does!

Birdwatching Is A Lot More Important Than You Think

Birdwatching Is A Lot More Important Than You Think

It Helps Bird Research In Conservation

The importance of birdwatchers in bird research cannot be overstated. The amount of high-quality research-grade data they produce is absolutely incredible. In March 2018, for example, eBird received its 500 millionth bird record. As of March 2018, over 800 birders in South Africa who support the Southern African Bird Atlas Project (SABAP) have collected over 5 million records. In 2019, nearly half a million Big Garden Birdwatch participants in the United Kingdom tallied an astounding 7.67 million birds in just three days.

It Connects Us To Nature

Birdwatching is significant because it fosters a close relationship between individuals and their natural environment. People who have a strong connection to nature and spend time watching animals have a stake in its conservation. Wildlife recreationists were 4–5 times more likely than nonrecreationists to engage in conservation behaviors, according to a 2015 study in the United States. Donating to local conservation efforts, improving wildlife habitat on public lands, campaigning for wildlife recreation, and joining local environmental groups are examples of these behaviors. As a result, more wildlife recreationists, such as birdwatchers, will help to safeguard the world’s wildlife and natural areas.

It Is Good For The Health

Birdwatching is an active activity that requires you to get outside and explore. This could be the physical advantage of going out of the house and into your garden, a stroll through a neighboring park, or even a birding trip to another nation. Being active and spending time outside has numerous physical and mental benefits. Physical activity lowers the chances of developing diabetes, heart disease, or stroke. In terms of mental health, research reveals that exercise improves memory and cognitive skills, and it has even been proven that regular aerobic exercise increases the size of the brain’s hippocampus, which is important for memory and learning.

You Can Make Lots Of Friends Through Birdwatching

Birdwatchers are often a friendly bunch. They enjoy talking about birds, their birding adventures, and the areas they’ve traveled in their search for birds. There are numerous methods to communicate with birders of all types on Facebook Groups, internet forums, and other places. There are folks who will give you extensive answers to your questions about birds, birding, or gear…

Spending a week or more in a remote, beautiful location with a group of birders and a knowledgeable guide may be a truly gratifying experience. On such trips, people frequently develop lasting friends. Aside from viewing great birds, wildlife, and fresh scenery, the social aspect is an added bonus.