The Top 5 Coolest Animals in the World

Published on 06/16/2022

The art of remaining cool. Who doesn’t want to believe they know exactly what it takes to be cool? We enjoy practicing and hope to improve our skills. Our outfits, our walk, our dance, and our Top Gun shades. Many of us strive — and sometimes fail — to exude cool. The best cool, on the other hand, has a natural flow. It’s about showing up and being ourselves, a slice of mellow that can’t be manufactured.

This is why cool animals are so important! While some animals do try to attract your attention (we’re looking at you, dog world), most animals just go about their business while projecting a cool aura that you want to wear.

These are the ten coolest animals on the planet:





With its zebra-like stripes, you may suppose this critter is related to the zebra. They are, however, giraffe cousins. The okapi is a herbivore that eats mostly grass, leaves, and other plants. They can be found in the Democratic Republic of Congo in Africa.

Leopards and humans are among the okapi’s predators. The okapi has some interesting natural defenses. Their enormous ears can detect even the tiniest changes in the surroundings and alert them to danger. But — hold your breath! – all the animals have to do is look away, as their brown and white butts provide excellent forest camouflage.

The Fossa

The fossa, which lives in Madagascar’s forest habitats, has the appearance of a hairless cat. These carnivores, on the other hand, are more Mongoose than feline. They hunt at all hours of the day and night, with lemurs accounting for more than half of their diet.

Despite its cat-like appearance, the animal can reach a maximum length of six feet. Fossas are vicious predators with claws that can be semi-retracted. Unlike many other animals that jump down from trees, the fossa can climb down headfirst, which can be startling to see. And until they reach adulthood, young females are referred to as “guys.”

The “Blue Dragon”

Glaucus atlanticus is its scientific name. It floats in the water upside down, using its blue side to blend in unnoticed. If you look closely, you can see what appears to be a little dragon. As a result, the nickname “Blue Dragon” was coined. These fascinating creatures eat the infamous man o’ war, a species to which they are related. The Blue Dragon also has a potent sting that you should avoid at all costs.

Considered a sea slug, the blue dragon is a relatively new find. But unlike a lot of new species that habitat select regions, this species is popping up in what seems everywhere. Initially calling the Indian Pacific Oceans their home, experts had to amend their conclusions once the species showed in the Bay of California. Next, the critters showed up in Taiwan. Later, they, apparently poised to take over the world, showed up on South Padre Island in Texas and, the same year, South Africa‘s Cape Town.

Japanese Spider Crab

This spider gets the cool list for its capacity to terrify the heck out of you. If you fear spiders, stay out of the waters surrounding Japan. This spider crab, from claw to claw, has been sighted in sizes of up to 18 feet. The only sea creature heavier than the Japanese spider crab is the American lobster. The Japanese spider crab’s a delicacy in its region but not easy to catch.

These critters have unusually long legs, adding to the eerie. At their largest, they stand at least two to three feet (or more) from the ground. And their legs never stop growing during their existence! Fortunately, they tend to remain to shallow, colder water. Oddly enough, they don’t swim!

Slow Loris

Your heart will melt if a sluggish loris gives you the look. Simply liquefy like butter. And as you enjoy its cuteness, it might use the occasion to share a bite with you that will be quite poisonous. In order to avoid being discovered, they can also remain absolutely silent.

The slow loris has two tongues, or dos. The sharp tongue is used to brush teeth. The more time spent sucking nectar from flowers. These fascinating creatures are the only venomous-biting primates. However, it is mostly exclusively used to defend against rivals and predators.